Year 1 E-Book Fun
For one of my university units I was required to create an e-book which had in-built literary features such as rhyme, alliteration, assonance, as well as an inbuilt voice-recording and attractive imagery. The book was to be made for the children in my Year 1 practicum class and must be the basis of two further literacy activities.
In order to capture the children's interest, I based the story on their school and wrote about a fictional (friendly) monster roaming through the school once everyone had gone home to play on the playground and explore the classrooms. I created mixed-media images for the story which combined photographs of the school and hand-drawn monsters and this was highly engaging for the children when we read the story.
The post-reading activities included a illustration card comprehension game where the students had to sequence the illustrations from each page in the order that they occurred. The children really enjoyed the book and the comprehension activity.
Children discussing/ disputing the story sequence with the illustration cards. Image taken by author.